Avocado 101: The international avocado Codex Alimentarius guideline

Avocado 101: The international avocado Codex Alimentarius guideline


The Global Industry for the supply of Avocado and its derivatives is governed by documents and basic principles that standardize methodologies for its food quality, post-harvest handling, distribution and other safety standards.

There are at least three basic documents that are mandatory to know: a) the first is the international food standard for avocado CXS 197-1995, b) the second is related to the general procedures for the labeling of pre-packaged food products CXS 1-1985, and finally c) the one related to the practices of packaging, mobility and transport of avocado CAC/RCP 44-1995.

The CXS 197-1995: This Standard applies to commercial varieties of avocados grown from Persea americana Mill., of the Lauraceae family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and packaging. Parthenocarpic fruit and avocados for industrial processing are excluded.

The CXS 1-1985:  This standard applies to the labelling of all prepackaged foods to be offered as such to the consumer or for catering purposes and to certain aspects relating to the presentation thereof.

The CAC RCP 44-195: This code recommends proper packaging and transport of fresh fruit and vegetables in order to maintain produce quality during transportation and marketing.

The countries associated with the FAO and that are part of the Committee that evaluates food practices, have the purpose of internationally regulating the essential practices that global economies and supply chains must adopt.

Especially, producer organizations, governments and regulatory entities for the production, processing, logistics and supply of avocado must understand the documentation described here.

Each country, through its Ministry of Agriculture or its regulatory entities for plant health and safety, are the first to determine the local or national standards for compliance with international regulations and agreements derived from the International Codex, which ultimately translates in the issuance of International Phytosanitary Certificates for the export and import of food products.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission is an intergovernmental body open to all countries that are members or associate members of FAO and the World Health Organization. It currently has 165 member countries, representing more than 98 percent of the world’s population. The Commission meets every two years.

Please review & download the aforementioned documents here:

STANDARD FOR AVOCADO CXS 197-1995 Adopted in 1995. Amended in 2015. Revised in 2013.

General Standard for the labelling and prepackaged foods CXS 1-1985 Adopted in 1985. Amended in 1991, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008 and 2010. Revised in 2018.


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